When you think about ecommerce, what first thing comes to your mind ? -Website, But what is future then I say “M COMMERCE”.
We all know how mobile phone industry grow in past few year and this growth increasing in upcoming years and parallelly easy and convenient internet connectivity with affordable rate.
In today world every single person have mobile phone.The greatness of mobile cannot be overstated.
Mobile presence had a profound impact on the way we live, work, play, and socialize. But could you have believed there would come a day when we’d be using it to buy clothes, groceries, and everything else through Mobile ?

Say hello to M COMMERCE ! -- “Mobile Commerce is the next big thing.”
M-commerce has seen a swift rise in popularity recently, with an increasing number of consumers reaching for their smartphones when looking to shop online.
In a survey carried out last year, approx. 72 percent of people said they shop via mobile when they traveling, during their free time, or at home.
Mobile is a direction in which the consumer carries the habit of spending, and it won’t be long until facilitating commercial transactions on mobile phones and other handheld devices become a business necessity.
With the uses of tablet and smartphone ownership, mobile commerce is becoming more and more mainstream.
Some below reasons why businesses are investing in m commerce apps as per current trends.
1. Augmented Reality
- Through AR technology user can fell product virtually, mobile phone cameras transpose digital content into the real world.
Here example :
- Furniture company allows its customers to visualise how furniture will look in their homes.
- Customer can try different glasses virtually and see how they look on their face.
2. Chatbots
- Chatbots are very useful element in m commerce. Chatbots can be used for personalized notification, special offers reminders and AI based chatbots can talk with user same way as any salesperson do.
- AI based chatbots collect data and according that data provide personalized customer service.
3. Voice Control and search
- Major benefit of mobile commerce is voice search. Customer can user their voice for shopping through smart voice control features.
4. Quick Checkouts
- Uses of payments through mobile app like Apple pay, Google Pay, PayPal and many more risen considerably recently as user have find comfortable and caseless with the idea of making mobile payments.
5. Wider Reach
- Popularity and uses of Mobile phone in current world we all know about this. Meaning, mobile commerce is able to reach with a wider range of users and get more sales leads.
6. Social Commerce
- We all know how much uses of social media at present time and they application offer an unprecedented of selling opportunities.
- Your business ready for growing rush of users finding your products through social media.
7. Time Saving
- People said they shop via mobile when they traveling, during their free time, or at home. They can access application through phone faster then e-commerce site.
8. Enhanced customer experience
- With uses of AR, Voice Control, Chatbots we can enhanced use experience. We gather user data , understand their behaviour and provide them personalized shopping experience.
9. Provide niche service based on location
- In application merchant provide discounts, offers, specific festival offer base on location. Give notification to user of particular area or base on interest notification.

Unfortunately, most small business owners don’t realize how much untapped potential lies in mobile apps for ecommerce businesses. If you’re still debating whether it’s a worthwhile investing in eCommerce mobile app development, consider these benefits of building a mobile app for small to large businesses.
Here are some of the key benefits of e-commerce mobile app development for those of small businesses.
1. Ability to reach your customers 24/7
2. Can build a productive mobile experience around your brand
3. Can implement effective mobile app marketing
4. Push Notification
5. Implement social sharing
6. Improve online activities and customer engagement
7. The mobile app acts as a direct marketing channel
8. Improve User-experience
9. Reduce the cost to market new products….And more
There’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that mobile commerce is going to continue growing in 2021 and upcoming years, attracting more users and generating more sales. The vast majority of retailers have already built a dedicated mobile application or are planning to do it.
To find out which mobile commerce trends your business could benefit from most, schedule a free consultation. At Akshu Soft Tech, we’ve been helping businesses transform their online presence and achieve their digital goals. We’d love for you to be our next success story.